Production cross-sections of prompt charm mesons are measured with the first data from pp collisions at the LHC at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 4.98 ± 0.19 pb −1 collected by the LHCb experiment. The production cross-sections of D 0 , D + , D + s , and D * + mesons are measured in bins of charm meson transverse momentum, p T , and rapidity, y, and cover the range 0 < p T < 15 GeV/c and 2.0 < y < 4.5. The inclusive cross-sections for the four mesons, including charge conjugation, within the range of 1 < p T < 8 GeV/c are found to bewhere the uncertainties are due to statistical and systematic uncertainties, respectively.Keywords: Charm physics, Forward physics, Hadron-Hadron scattering, Heavy quark production, QCD A Absolute cross-sections 20 B Cross-section ratios at different energies 24 C Cross-section ratios for different mesons 28The LHCb collaboration 38
IntroductionMeasurements of charm production cross-sections in proton-proton collisions are important tests of the predictions of perturbative quantum chromodynamics [1][2][3]. Predictions of charm meson cross-sections have been made at next-to-leading order using the generalized mass variable flavour number scheme (GMVFNS) [3][4][5][6][7][8] and at fixed order with next-to-leading-log resummation (FONLL) [1,2,[9][10][11][12]. These are based on a factorisation approach, where the cross-sections are calculated as a convolution of three terms: the parton distribution functions of the incoming protons; the partonic hard scattering rate, estimated as a perturbative series in the coupling constant of the strong interaction; and a fragmentation function that parametrises the hadronisation of the charm quark into a -1 -
JHEP03(2016)159given type of charm hadron. The range of y and p T accessible to LHCb enables quantum chromodynamics calculations to be tested in a region where the momentum fraction, x, of the initial state partons can reach values below 10 −4 . In this region the uncertainties on the gluon parton density functions are large, exceeding 30% [1,13], and LHCb measurements can be used to constrain them. For example, the predictions provided in ref.[1] have made direct use of these constraints from LHCb data, taking as input a set of parton density functions that is weighted to match the LHCb measurements at √ s = 7 TeV.The charm production cross-sections are also important in evaluating the rate of highenergy neutrinos created from the decay of charm hadrons produced in cosmic ray interactions with atmospheric nuclei [1,14]. Such neutrinos constitute an important background for experiments such as IceCube Charm mesons produced at the pp collision point, either directly or as decay products of excited charm resonances, are referred to as promptly produced. No attempt is made to distinguish between these two sources. This paper presents measurements of the crosssections for the prompt production of D 0 , D + , D + s , and D * (2010) + (henceforth denoted as D * + ) mesons, based ...