Understanding the mechanisms of hadronization of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) remains a challenging problem in the study of strong-interaction matter as produced in ultrarelativistic heavyion collisions (URHICs). The large mass of heavy quarks renders them excellent tracers of the color neutralization process of the QGP. Based on the resonance recombination model, we develop a 4-momentum conserving framework for the formation of heavy-flavor (HF) mesons and baryons that recovers the thermal and chemical equilibrium limits for their spectra and yields. Our framework explicitly accounts for space-momentum correlations of heavy quarks with the partons of the hydrodynamically expanding QGP that are difficult to control in instantaneous coalescence models. These correlations cause fast-moving heavy quarks to preferentially recombine with high-flow thermal quarks in the outer regions of the fireball, which we find to play a crucial role in explaining the Λc/D 0 ratio as recently observed in URHICs. Another critical ingredient is the improved chemistry of our approach, in particular a large set of "missing" charm-baryon states which were previously shown to account for the large Λ + c /D 0 ratio observed in proton-proton collisions at the LHC. When implemented into our HF hydro-Langevin-recombination framework for the strongly-coupled QGP, we find a good overall description of available HF data at RHIC and the LHC. PACS numbers: 25.75.-q 25.75.Dw 25.75.NqIntroduction.-Ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions (URHICs) at RHIC and the LHC have created a novel state of strong-interactoin matter composed of deconfined quarks and gluons, known as Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) [1,2]. The QGP behaves like a near-perfect fluid with small specific shear viscosity, as revealed by the collective-flow pattern of the final-state hadron spectra being consistent with relativistic hydrodynamic simulations [3][4][5]. A closely related discovery is the suprisingly large collective flow observed for heavy-flavor (HF) particles and quantified by a small diffusion coefficient, D s [6,7], corroborating the strongly-coupled nature of the QGP. Another interesting finding is an enhancement of baryon-to-meson ratios (p/π and Λ/K), relative to pp collisions, at intermediate transverse momenta, p T ≃3-4 GeV, together with the so-called constituent-quark number scaling (CQNS) of the ellpitic flow, v 2 , of baryons and mesons. These observations have been attributed to quark coalescence processes as a hadronization mechanism of kinetic (non-thermalized) partons with thermal partons in the QGP [8][9][10][11]. The question arises as to whether the prominent phenomena described above could have a common origin.