In this paper, we systematically calculate two-body strong decays of newly observed D J ð3000Þ and D sJ ð3040Þ with 2Pð1 þ Þ and 2Pð1 þ0 Þ assignments in an instantaneous approximation of the Bethe-Salpeter equation method. Our results show that both resonances can be explained as the 2Pð1 þ 0 Þ with broad width . For D sJ ð3040Þ, the total width is 157.4 MeV in our calculation, close to the lower limit of experimental data, and the dominant channels are D Ã K and D Ã K Ã . These results are consistent with observed channels in experiments. Given the very little information that has been obtained from experiments and the large error bars of the total decay widths, we recommend the detection of dominant channels in our calculation.