Bit commitment is a cryptographic task in which Alice commits a bit to Bob such that she cannot change the value of the bit after her commitment and Bob cannot learn the value of the bit before Alice opens her commitment. According to the Mayers-Lo-Chau (MLC) no-go theorem, ideal bit commitment is impossible within quantum theory. In the information theoretic-reconstruction of quantum theory, the impossibility of quantum bit commitment is one of the three information-theoretic constraints that characterize quantum theory. In this paper, we first provide a very simple proof of the MLC no-go theorem and its quantitative generalization. Then, we formalize bit commitment in the theory of dagger monoidal categories. We show that in the setting of dagger monoidal categories, the impossibility of bit commitment is equivalent to the unitary equivalence of purification.Axioms 2020, 9, 28 2 of 12 with quantitative bounds on the degree of concealment and bindingness. D'Ariano et al. [27] provided a strengthened and explicit impossibility proof exhausting all conceivable protocols in which not only quantum information, but also classical information is exchanged between the two parties. However, the considerable length of the proof in [27] makes it still hard to follow. Chiribella et al. [28] simplified the proof in [27]. In the works of Cohn-Gordon [29] and Heunen and Kissinger [30], a clear and rigorous formalization of QBC is developed in the setting of categorical quantum mechanics. also provided a proof of the no-go theorem. While this proof is already simpler than all previous proofs, we find there is still room for simplification and extension.In Clifton et al.'s information theoretic-reconstruction of quantum theory [31], the impossibility of bit commitment is conceived as one of the three fundamental information-theoretic constraints that characterize quantum theory. In [31], the authors partially proved that the impossibility of bit commitment is equivalent to the existence of entangled, or nonlocal, states. This result was questioned by Heunen and Kissinger [30], who demonstrated that, in the categorical setting, the impossibility of bit commitment is not equivalent to the existence of entangled states. Which quantum feature is the one that is equivalent to the impossibility of bit commitment is left unanswered in [30].The contributions of this paper are ass follows.