The aim of this study was to investigate the phytochemical constituents and antioxidant activity of methanol extracts of Sphagnum dividinium and S. gingensohnii. The phytochemical active substance groups in the methanol extracts of two different Sphagnum species, whose antioxidant content has been little studied, were determined using screening methods, and their antioxidant properties were determined using in vitro DPPH assay, CUPRAC assay and phosphomolybdate assay. According to the results obtained from the experiments, it was determined that the methanol extract of S. divinium contained only phenols and tannins, while the methanol extract of S. gingensohini contained phenols, tannins and saponins, but both bryophytes did not contain alkaloids and flavonoids. The experimental results show that the methanol extracts of S. divinium and S. gingensohnii have DPPH scavenging activity higher than 50% at all concentrations tested. An increase in DPPH scavenging ability was observed with the increase in extract concentration. The DPPH scavenging ability of S. divinium methanol extract was higher than that of S. gingensohnii methanol extract at all concentrations tested.
The results of the study show that S. divinium and S. gingensohnii may be potential sources of antioxidant compounds.