“…On the other hand, the main triggering method of low energy nuclear reactions (LENR) in hydrogenated metals according to the method by Rossi [2015] and its successful replications [e.g., [Parkhomov, 2015;Mills, 2015]) consists in the heating of the fuel mixture up to temperatures typically exceeding 1000 • C. According to the LENR model [Dubinko, 2014[Dubinko, , 2015Dubinko and Laptev, 2016], heating is needed to increase the concentration of LAV in the lattice, which act as catalysts of LENR due to the time-periodic modulation of the potential wells where protons or deuterons are trapped. The parametric modulation increases the zero-point oscillation amplitude, which drastically enhances the fusion rate, according to the modified model [Dubinko and Laptev, 2016] originally proposed by a Nobel Laureate Julian Schwinger [Schwinger, 1990a[Schwinger, , 1990b.…”