The conformational features of four related antigenic peptides (A, B, C and USA) from the foot-and-mouth disease virus ( F M D V ) (VP1; 141 -160 of serotype A, subtype 12), assessed by CD, were found to correlate with the serological properties of these peptides. The C D spectra of the four peptides, obtained under cryogenic and solvent titration conditions, were consistent with three conformational components (a left-handed extended helix, an a-helix and a 3,0 helix) for peptides A and C and four components (a /?-turn of type 11, an a-helix, a y-turn and a 310 helix) for peptides B and USA. The amino acid substitutions at positions 148 and 153, which distinguish the peptides, are therefore responsible for both their conformational and antigenic differences.