Kato, T. 1981. Major nitrogen compounds transported in xylem vessels from roots to top in Citrus trees, -Physiol. Plant. 52: 275-279.Four-year-old citrus trees {Citrus unshiu Marcovitch) were fed via the roots with ("NH4)2SO4 or K"NO3 as a nitrogen source. Nitrogenous compounds and their isotopic abundances in fine roots and xylem sap ffotn trunks were assayed in order to obtain information on the species of nitrogen released by the root system into the ascending xylem stream. Arginine, asparagine, nitrate and proline in xylem sap accounted for 48, 21, 13 and! 10%, respectively, of the totai nitrogenous constitaeots tested in the sap. However, in the trees fed with labelled amtnonium the main nitrogenous compound labelled witĥ^N in the xylem sap was asparagine and glutamme, which accounted for 79% and 18%, respectively,, of total labelled nitrogen. In the xylem sap of trees fed with labelled nitrate, nitrate accotinted for 94% of total labelled nitrogen. Nitrate aod asparagine followed by glutamine showed the highest ratios of isotopic abundance in xylem sap as compared to fitie roots. Proline and arginine had much lower ratios. These results indicate that nitrate, asparagine and glotamine are the main nitrogenous compounds released by the roots to the sylem stream,, whereas arginine and proline are released into the xyiem vessels by the trunk tissues. Furthermore, nitrate and asparagine are probably in steady movement upward in the trunk xylem, whereas glutamine is more easily taken up by the trunk tissues than nitrate and asparagine.