Acute Intestinal Obstruction is a condition which llu} be brought about by a great variety of causes. may be produced by the presence of foreign bodies 'locking up the lumen of some part of the gut, by Pathological conditions of the wall of the gut itself, such as the various forms of stricture of the bowel, an intussusception, and by conditions involving e gut externally, for instance, bands, and hernise. A Table of Causal Conditions. These various causes of Acute Intestinal Obstiuc-10n niay be classified under the following headings : 1-Conditions inside the gut.?(a) Faecal impac-??n(b) foreign bodies.-? Pathological conditions involving the gu .self.?(a) Simple or malignant strictures becomln" acutelv obstructed; (b) intussusception; (c) Volvulus.. Pathological conditions external to but involithe-gut.?(a) Strangulation by bands; (b) ?strangulation through orifices and internal hermae ; (c) kinking 0f the gut; (d) tumours pressing on the gut. w ^ orcign bodies may be defined as substances *hlch are not acted on by the digestive fluids of the allmentary tract. They may be composed of mineral 0r Vegetable substances, and as examples may be Gntioned gallstones ; masses of phosphates, e.g.