Gumiri S, Ardianor, Syahrinudin, Anshari GZ, Komai Y, Taki K, Tachibana H. 2018. Seasonal yield and composition of aninland artisanal fishery in a humic floodplain ecosystem of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 19: 1181-1185. Seasonal yieldof an inland artisanal fishery was studied in 2015 in the Takapan Floodplain Lake located along the Rungan River of Central KalimantanProvince-Indonesia. Record on daily fish catch consisting weight data and species composition was made in situ along with a one-yearrainfall data that was collected from the nearest Meteorological Station located in Palangka Raya City airport. Results showed thatthroughout the year, total annual yield of captured fishes reached 4.8 tons comprised of 34 commercial freshwater fish species. Seasonalyield varied considerably in which fish capture was higher during the rainy season than on the dry season. The transition period fromrainy to dry season was found to be the peak period of fish capture in the floodplain. Of the 34 fish species, the most abundant specieswas Channa striata that accounted to almost 50% of total annual fish yield. The two most abundant fishes, Channa striata, andKryptopterus palembangensis were a top predatory blackfish and an omnivorous surface water whitefish, respectively. This resultindicated that the studied floodplain habitat was still in good condition, however, conservation is needed to maintain the sustainability offreshwater fish resource in the future.