The p h ys ical adsorption of ni trogen was used to st ud y a bentoni te activated by a t reatm en t with h ydrochloric acid. The Brunauer-E mmett-Teller equation , t he Huttig equation , and a so-call ed "summation " eq uatio n were used in t he calculation of th e surface ar ea s available to ni trogen . Th e cha nges in surface area at different te mperat ures ha ve bee n related to t he q uan t ity of ad sor bed water and t he amount of con s ti t ut ional h ydro xyl grou ps. The surface area is a measure of on ly th e external boundary (nons welli ng surface) of th e bentonite, and this is in crea sed signifi cantly by t he activation pro cess. The ratio of surface areas (a ctivated to ori ginal) is about four. A max imum in t he s urface area was found tJ exist when a ll of t he adsorbed watel' was eliminated. However, t he surface area d ecreased wit h t he removal of water formed by d ecomposit ion of t he constitutional h ydroxyl gro ups. Chemical analyses, d eh ydrat ion curves, t hermal d iffere ntial analyses, X-ray patterns, and elec tron mi crographs were employed to cha racteri ze the materials. [6,8,9] .
I . IntroductionAcid treatments of bentonites significan tly change some of the specific proper ties of interest in industrial processes. If th e acid is at relatively low concentration (abou t 0.1 to 0.01 N), the exchangeable cations are replaced by h ydrogen ions. If the acid concentration is increased, there is a partial chemical solution of the crystal structure. The extent of the dissolving action d ep ends upon the concen tration and nature of the acid, temp erature, r eaction time, and the ra tio of the two r eactants.The decolorizing action and the efficien cy of many clay-cracking catalysts, which generally have very specific properties, increase in general with the amount of hydrogen ions present on the surface [14] . R ecent studies [15] have shown that the catalytic action of silica-alumina gels can also be r elated to th e hydrogen ions present on the surface. Small amounts of basic compounds (calcium, potassium, nitrogen , etc.) have a poisoning influence on the cracking activity of catalys ts. Mills, Boedeker, and Oblad [16] assume that the "active hydrogen ions" are eliminated from the catalyst during cracking, and as a resu lt the cracking activity is decr eased .Water contained in bentonites also plays a very important role in their adsorben t properties in nonaqueous media. This water , generally determined 1 'rhis in vestigation was sponsored as a joi nt resea rch project un dertaken b y t he Bone Char Research P roject, Inc. and t he Nationa l Burea u of Sta.nd3rds., Guest worker holding a fellowship of t he Consejo Superior de In ... est i ga.cionp~ Cientificas, Spain.3 F i~ure s in brackets ind icate the literat ure references at the end of this p loss of weigh t after h eat tr eatments, is in part adsorbed ' water and in pa rt clue to the decomposition of the co nstitu tional hydroxyl groups [18,19] . Both forms, when r etained in the bento ni te, play an importan...