The isotopic composition of copper is of great interest for researchers in various fields of science, geo chemistry and hydrology in particular, wherein the consideration is being given to the variations in the isotopic composition of the Earth's crust, extraterrestrial matter, and water basins, as well as to the origin and transfer of matter. Zn isotopes appear to be promising for identifying the sources and pathways of the environmental pollution. The aim of this study involves the refinement and validation of the zinc and copper isotopic ratio determination methodology covering the whole process from sample digestion to MC ICP-MS measurements. For this reason, as well as to assess the suitability of the methodology for the analysis of environmental samples, Zn and Cu isotopic analysis of the BHVO-2, BCR-2 and AGV2 USGS certified reference materials has been performed. The method for determination of Cu and Zn stable isotope ratios by multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry in environmental samples is developed. The application of the AG MP1 resin with optimized layer parameters (resin bed height 3.5 cm, diameter 1 cm) provides the highpurity Cu and Zn fractions. The method is characterized by high throughput and adequate analytical figures of merit when using the standardsample bracketing technique for mass bias correction. The procedural blanks related to chemical dissolution and ion exchange procedures are lower than 1 and 3 ng for Cu and Zn, respectively, assuring no blank effect on the isotopic composition of samples. The accuracy and precision obtained for Cu and Zn isotope measurements in the BHVO2, BCR2 and AGV2 geological certified reference materials demonstrate good agreement with the reference values published.