The Arthropoda Phyllum is part of the Biology subject that requires an understanding of concepts. One of models for these subject is a reciprocal teaching integrated mind mapping model. This model make the students better to understand and easier to remember it for the relationship between various concepts, and their visualization and image colours. The purpose of this research was to know the effect of reciprocal teaching integrated mind mapping model application towards to student's understanding concept on Arthropoda Phyllum. The research was conducted in SMA 105 Jakarta from February until March 2016. The research method was used a quasi-experimental with research design posttest-only control group design. Sample handling technical was used simple random sampling method. The instrument of these method was comperehension concept posttest in the form of multiple choice objective test accompanied by CRI index (Certainty of Response Index) or the scale of confidence of respondents in answering questions. Based on data analysis result, showed that data as normally distributed and homogeny. The conclusions of this research show there is effect of application reciprocal teaching integrated mind mapping model toward student's comperehension concept on Phyllum Arthropoda.
Keywords : Arthropoda, concept, mind mapping, reciprocal teaching
PENDAHULUANPembelajaran adalah proses untuk membantu siswa agar dapat belajar dengan baik (Suardi, 2015). Pencapaian tujuan pembelajaran dipengaruhi oleh proses pendidikan yang memiliki peran penting dalam mencapai pemahaman konsep. Pemahaman konsep dapat ditingkatkan melalui model pembelajaran reciprocal teaching. Model reciprocal teaching merupakan model pembelajaran konstruktivisme yang dapat meningkatkan antusias siswa dalam memahami materi pelajaran. Reciprocal teaching terdiri dari empat strategi yang diperlukan siswa dalam diskusi kelompok yaitu questioning (membuat pertanyaan), summarizing (merangkum bacaan), clarifying (mengklarifikasi), dan predicting (memprediksi) (Keenan & Evans, 2009).Salah satu strategi dalam model reciprocal teaching adalah memahami materi pelajaran dengan cara merangkum. Merangkum dapat dilakukan secara kreatif, efektif dan inovatif dengan menggunakan mind mapping. Pembelajaran dengan mind mapping dapat meningkatkan ingatan dengan cara mengasosiasikan dan mengimajinasikan konsep, serta kata kunci yang saling berhubungan membuat siswa semakin mudah