The function of allosterice nzymes can be activated or inhibitedt hrough binding of specifice ffector molecules.H erein, we describe how the skeletal deformation, pore configuration, and ultimately adsorptive behavior of ad ynamic metal-organic framework (MOF), (Me 2 NH 2 )[In(atp)] 2 (in which atp = 2-aminoterephthalate), are controlled by the allocation and orientation of its counter ions triggered by the inclusion/removal of different guest molecules. The powero fs uch allostericc ontrol in MOFs is highlighted throught he optimization of the hydrocarbon separation performance by achieving multiple pore configurations but without alteringt he chemical composition.Adsorptive separation of small hydrocarbons from cracking streamsa nd naturalg as has attracted great attention, empowered by the innovation of porousm aterials. [1, 2] As an abundant vehicle fuel and value-added chemical feedstock, [3] the purification of methane from co-existing alkanes is an energy-intensive process of cryogenic distillation, which differentiates the molecules by their boilingp oints (CH 4 , À161.5 8C; C 2 H 6 , À88.6 8C; C 3 H 8 , À42.1 8C). [4] In contrast, adsorptive separation at ambient temperature is an alternate and more sustainable process,w hich exploits differences in kinetic diameters (CH 4 , 3.758 ;C 2 H 6 ,4 .443 ;C 3 H 8 ,4 .3-5.148 )a nd polarizability (CH 4 ,2 5.93 10 25 cm 3 ;C 2 H 6 ,4 4.3-44.7 10 25 cm 3 ;C 3 H 8 ,6 2.9-63.7 10 25 cm 3 )t oachieveeffective separation. [5] Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are designablep orous materials that are createdb ys titching togetherg eometrically definedi norganic building units and tailoredo rganic linkers into predictable extendedn etworks. The resulting crystalline frameworks achieve structural regularity,a rchitectural robustness, and exceptional porosity. [6] In contrastt oc onventional porousm aterials, the most unique characteristic of MOFs is their dynamics, [7] which feature coherent structural transformations corresponding to external stimuli that allow for the creation of smarterm aterials with desired guest-, [8] thermo-, [9] electro-, [10] photo-, [11] and mechano-responses. [12] Indeed, several prominente xamples of MOFs have been shown to undergo structuralt ransformation during gas adsorption, which endows the material with exceptionalp roperties in selective gas adsorptiona nd gas storage. [13] However,s tructuralf lexibility usually imposes co-adsorption of multiple components from the fluent, thereby constituting am ajor challenge in designing dynamic MOFs for gas-adsorptive separation in practical applications. [14] In contrastt or igid frameworks that are typically associated with only one energy minimum, dynamic frameworks are capable of possessing two or more local energy minima in their energy landscapes (Scheme 1a) depending on the degrees of freedom for their structures and the energy barrier needingt o be overcomef or their transformations. [15] Recently,u nprecedented multiple energy minima (up to 9phases) were achieved upon inclusiono...