This study aims at evaluating the performance of three reaction models to reproduce cell size measurements obtained during nitromethane-oxygen and pure nitromethane detonations (𝑇 1 = 383 − 390 K, 𝑃 1 = 20 − 100 kPa, and 𝜙 = 0.2 − 1.75). The validation dataset is composed of 47 cell size measurements and includes conditions presenting both single (𝜆 1 only) and double (𝜆 1 and 𝜆 2 ) cellular structures. Zeldovich'-von Neumann-Döring (ZND) simulations are employed to compute the cell size 𝑛 (𝜆 𝑛 ) by utilizing the induction zone lengths (Δ 𝑖,𝑛 ) and a correlation factor (𝐴 𝑛 ), determined from the Ng method. The main results are: (i) the computed correlation factors appear insensitive to the reaction model and to the type of cells (𝜆 1 and 𝜆 2 ), Thus, an averaged correlation factor 𝐴 = 37 could be employed in future studies; (ii) qualitatively, all the models are underestimating 𝜆 1 in most of the conditions but are satisfactory reproducing 𝜆 2 in rich conditions; (iii) quantitatively, Le's model has the lowest error to reproduce the cell sizes (4.3 in average) and the lowest ratio 𝜆 2 /𝜆 1 (near 5 in most conditions).