We evaluate the spectra of produced particles (pions, kaons, antiprotons) from partonic cascades which may develop in the wake of heavy-ion collisions at CERN SPS energies and which may hadronize by formation of clusters which decay into hadrons. Using the experimental data obtained by NA35 and NA44 collaborations for S+S and Pb+Pb collisions, we conclude that the Monte Carlo implementation of the recently developed parton-cascade/cluster-hadronization model provides a reasonable description of the distributions of the particles produced in such collisions. While the rapidity distribution of the mid-rapidity protons is described reasonably well, their transverse momentum distribution falls too rapidly compared to the experimental values, implying a significant effect of final state scattering among the produced hadrons neglected so far.PACS numbers: 12.38. Bx, 12.38.Mh, 25.75.+r, 24.85.+p With the advent of heavy-ion beams and experiments at the CERN SPS, it seems for the first time to be possible to create strongly interacting matter at such high density that a thermal state of colored partons, deconfined over a macroscopic volume, may be formed and live sufficiently long to leave traces on the hadronic final state. The presence of such an exotic high-density parton state, a quark-gluon-plasma (QGP), should be mirrored in characteristic features of particle production. Specifically, the changing characteristics of particle production in dense and hot matter should teach us about the partonic components in the system and the QCD dynamics being responsible for a QGP formation. The study of the evolution of particle production is therefore the prime tool to identify the observables which signal the presence of a QGP, since this ephemeral state of exotic matter is expected to lead to a copius production of secondaries including photons, dileptons, and heavy mesons, all of which may carry some information about the nature of the highly compressed QCD matter.A large body of data has already accumulated about the spectra of particles produced in such collisions at SPS energies. It is well known that a large part of these spectra can be explained quite well using either thermal models, or hydrodynamic models, or one of the several models based on string phenomenology. What does the success of these models imply and what does it portend for the search of a QGP? What information can we reliably obtain about the early stages of the evolution from these studies?Thermal models, in principle deal with the situation which prevails just before the particles freeze-out when they are assumed to be in thermal and some degree of chemical equilibrium. This along with a parametrized transverse velocity profile then provides the description of the particle spectra (see e.g., Ref.[1]). Note however that, a complete thermodynamic equilibrium will also mean a complete loss of memory of the initial state, which we have to infer by extrapolating the densities and temperatures backwards in time, familiar in cosmological studies....