Balanced nutrition in terms of necessary nutrients is one of the most urgent problems of humanity in the third millennium. Today, there is an acute shortage of complete proteins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, dietary fibers and other nutrients all over the world. The purpose of the work is to analyze the literature on the content of vitamins, minerals, and polyphenols in peanuts grown in Ukraine, indicating the insufficient completeness of such studies, which does not allow the safe use of domestic peanuts in healthy food products and requires the search for ways of decontamination. As well as determining the optimal sowing dates, which affect the formation of the yield level. Methodology of the study sowing time is one of the agrotechnical methods that have a significant impact on the formation of peanut yield. In the domestic and foreign literature, there is no consensus on the sowing dates, when it is advisable to start sowing. Results. The largest mass of 1000 kernels was noting under the condition of early sowing of seeds on May 10. In the case of sowing on May 20 and June 1, a decrease in the mass of 1,000 kernels was observing on average by 22 g and 24 g, respectively, due to an increase in immature kernels. The yield of mature, conditioned grains ranged from 62.0% to 93.2%. At the same time, the highest content was also in the case of sowing on May 10, and the lowest – on June 1. Practical implications. Therefore, sowing on May 10 and 20 provided optimal conditions for the appearance of friendly seedlings and the growth and development of plants of the researched peanut variety, which contributed to an increase in yield. Peanuts, sown on June 1, required more time for sprouting, due to the lack of moisture in the soil, and the development of plants was slower than if they were sown on May 10 and 20. The crops of the first season entered the flowering phase earlier, which enabled more fruits to reach maturity before frost. Value. The technology is practically proving for this crop. After receiving all the seedlings (10-15 days after sowing), the rows were loosened to a depth of 6-7 cm to give air to the soil. 15 days after the first loosening, the second loosening was caring out to a depth of 10-15 cm. 15 days after the second loosening (30 days after germination); the first loosening was carried out. The purpose of tilling is to raise the soil as close as possible to the flowers so that they can take root. 14 days after the first brushing – the second brushing. 14 days after the second brushing – the third brushing. The need for water arises from the moment of flowering, so watering should be done from flowering and end a month before harvesting. Watering: Before each turning, 3-5 days (so that the soil has time to dry) – watering; after turning, you can also water if there is a need for this. Next, water as needed approximately once every 10 days.