An analytical model for predicting optical performance of a cw chemical laser has been developed. The model is constructed in which mixing, kinetics, and stimulated emission are coupled with a half-symmetric-unstable resonator with intercavity axicon (HSURIA). The formulation has been tested by anchoring to experimental small signal gain and closed-cavity power. The mixing parameters established from the data anchoring are used to examine the role of the resonator magnification, medium gain length, lasing line selection, optical axis location, and mode width in predicting laser performance. The dependence of laser performance trends on resonator parameters is predicted by the numerical results of the present study. Other resonator parameters affecting the power extraction have also been identified.
Nomenclature= reaction zone area, cm 2 = feedback mirror radius, cm = Einstein coefficient = specific heat = 2Ma, output beam diameter, cm = focal length of lens, cm = gain coefficient, cm ~ l = enthalpy, erg/s; or Planck constant = defined by Eq. (4a) = radiation intensity, W/cm 2 = average radiation intensity, W/cm 2 = rotational quantum number = Boltzmann constant = empirical mixing length, cm = medium gain length, cm = distance between the centerlines of the fuel and oxidizer nozzles = Mach number; or resonator magnification = axicon magnification = mass flowrate, g/cm = Avogadro's number = pressure, Torr = P branch transition line = energy removal due to radiation effect, erg = radial coordinate; or optical ray height, cm = optical ray slope = nozzle exit radius, cm = optical axis location, cm = r c -r N = optical gap, cm = temperature, K = velocity, cm/s = vibrational quantum number = molecular weight, g/mole; or optical mode width, cm = ratio of specific heat = density, g/cm 3 = optical ray angle = mole of He in combustor/mole of F 2 available for lasing A a B g h H I I J K L M m m NO p P V (J) Q r r' t V V W 7 P ($ N = mole of He in fuel nozzle/mole of F 2 available for lasing [] = mole concentration, mole/g Subscripts a = annular region c = compact region / =fuel o = oxidizer s = species Superscripts 0 = reference quantity