AbstraetThe predominant white ceil-type in circulating blood of normal rats is the lymphocyte. Granuloeytes increase in the circulating blood of adjuvant-inoculated rats; lymphocytes remain the same or increase slightly. Some drugs, like Cytosar | (cytarabine), inhibit granuioeyte increases primarily and inhibit arthritis development completely. Pretreatment of normal rats with cytarbine also inhibits the local inflammation caused by direct injections of M. butyrieum into hindpaws of rats. Pre-treatment of rats with M.butyrieum, causing granulocytes to increase in circulating blood, produces an exaggerated response to the subsequent inoculation ofM. butyricum directly into rats' paws.Injection of M. butyrieum in non-arthrltogenic vehicles (saline) does not produce the exaggerated response of granulocytes that occurs in response to injection in effective arthritogenic vehicles (mineral oil). Granulocytes are not increased greatly using the ineffective vehicle. Finally, lysates of either rat white cells (granulocytes) or platelets, both of which increase in adjuvant-inoculated rats, produce striking inflammatory reactions when inoculated locally into rats' hindpaws. The addition of non opsonized M. butyricum to granulocytes obtained from adjuvant-inoculated rats causes a significant increase in the release oflysosomal enzymes.From all these and other indirectly derived data, it is surmised that adjuvant inoculation produces a marked increase in granulocytes of circulating blood; as these increase with time, the 114. butyricum molecules or some constituent derived from them (as determined by the distribution of tritiated M. butyricum) arrive in joints and many other tissues, there reacting with granulocytes causing release of lysosomal constituents that produce the histopathology of adjuvant-disease. These results are discussed.
IntroductionThe pathways and mechanisms for development of adjuvant-arthritis in the rat are unknown. Following inoculation of certain adjuvants (organism + appropriate vehicle)intradermally, rats develop a widespread disseminated disease, involving many organs -the appendages being only one manifestation of this