The primary structures of the ribosomal proteins A, (= L,) and A, (= L,,) have been elucidated. Comparison of the two amino acid sequences confirms earlier studies by us (1972) which indicated that the two proteins are identical except that A, possesses an N-terminal acetyl group.Sequencing of tryptic and chymotryptic peptides was accomplished primarily by automatic solid-phase Edman degradation of 50-to 70-nanomole peptide samples. A large tryptic peptide T,Phe, which could not be sequenced by this method, was fragmented with elastase and its sequence mainly derived by conventional methods. The sequence of the first 51 residues of the nonacetylated A,-protein was obtained by Edman degradation in the Beckman sequencer.A-protein comprises three distinct regions : I (residues 1 -55), which is negatively-charged and hydrophobic, I1 (56-81), which is positively charged, and I11 (82-120), which is negatively charged and hydrophilic. &-Helix promoting residues are located primarily in regions I and 111. e-N-Monomethyllysine, which occurs in 50°/, of the A, and A, chains is located in the more flexible region I1 at position 81.The distinctive clustering of hydrophobic and charged residues is quite remarkable and suggests that in situ certain of these regions may contain a binding site for components involved in peptide chain elongation.