SUMMARY1. Whole-cell and single-channel recording techniques were applied to the study of the permeability and gating of inactivating K+ channels from clonal pituitary cells.2. The cation selectivity sequence (measured from reversal potentials) for the channels underlying the inactivating K+ current was TlV > K+ > Rb+ > NH4+. The conductance sequence (determined from current amplitudes) was K+ = Tl > Rb+ > NH4t3. The inactivating current (IK(i)) which was blocked by 4-aminopyridine (4-AP), activated at voltages more positive than -40 mV and half-inactivated at that voltage. Inactivation proceeded as the sum of two exponentials with mean time constants of 21 and 82 ms. Deactivation followed a single-exponential time course.4. Recovery from inactivation was slow, voltage dependent and multi-exponential, taking more than 50 s near the cell's resting potential.5. The magnitudes of outward current and of slope conductance increased as the concentration of external K+ was increased.6. On-cell and outside-out membrane patches revealed minicurrents with gating and pharmacological properties identical to whole-cell currents. 'Single channels with inactivating characteristics, while rarely observed, had an average slope conductance of 6-8 pS.7. Intracellular application of the disulphonic stilbene derivative, SITS, and the protein-modifying reagent, N-bromoacetamide (NBA), at concentrations of 0 2-1 mm for several tens of minutes dramatically slowed the decay (inactivation) of K+ currents and caused coincident increases in the magnitude of outward IK(i).8. Extracellular application of NBA at much lower concentrations (1-100 1uM) and much shorter exposure times (1-30 s) also slowed inactivation. This effect was reversible for brief applications at low doses, but became irreversible after longer exposures.9. Both internal and external NBA shifted the steady-state inactivation-voltage relation by+ 10 mV and reduced inactivation at voltages more positive than 0 mV.10. The efficacy of external NBA was independent of holding potential between -80 and 0 mV.