The pwpose of the study was to review the recent data a60ut aflatoxins and aflatoxicoses in animals and to analy<.e the residue leljel of aflatoxins in feeds and feedstuffs suspected with mouldy sent to the D~partment of Pharmacolog_y and Toaicology.Experiments were carried out totally in 76 feed and feedstufl samples comprising ten laying hen feeds, four laying chick growth feeds, sixteen broiler feeds, nine livestock feeds and one fishfeed and thirty-six a variety of feedstuff samples. Samples were analy<.ed by a thin-layer chromatographic procedure.The rale of incidenee of aflatoxins was determined to be B ı in 17 samples, B 2 in 2 samııles. None of the samples contained any detectable level of aflatoxin G ı and G 2 • The mean level of aflatoxin B ı was ealculated as 12.28 ppb and Bı as 8.5 ppb in the total samples. Aflatoxin Bı in the highest level wasfound in the broiler feeds (34.8 ppb), followed in the soya meal (20 ppb), the livestock feed (I 5,2 pp b) and the cottonseed meal (I 5 ppb). All of the meatstone meal, wheat, com, crushed shrimp and fish feed had no detectable resi-o dues of any aflatoxin. lt is concluded that the incidence and contamination level af aflatoxines ili feeds and feedstuffs has bem olJServedcomparatively less than those reported in the most literaturesand these suspected feeeds and feedstuffs may have. any other ha<.ardous substances such as other mauld toxins and possible pesticides.Özet: Bu çalışma kapsamında aflatoksinler ve evcilhayvanlarda aflatoksikodar hakkında son bilgüer incelenmiş ve kiiflenmekten şiipheyle rarma-