There is growing interest in industrial exploitation of new protein sources such as plant proteins to broaden the range and variety of foods. Sweet lupine seeds (e.g. Lupinus albus L.) seem to be particularly promising as a source of innovative ingredients having, on average, a protein content similar to soybean (34-43% of dry matter) and an adequate composition of essential amino acids (Yáñez et al.,1983). Foods based on sweet lupine protein are gaining attention from industry and consumers because of their possible role in the prevention of cardiovascular disease as well as in reduction of blood glucose and cholesterol levels
AbstractIn recent years there has been increased interest in using lupine for human nutrition due to its nutritional properties and health benefits. Moreover, lupine is used as an ingredient in breadmaking because of its functional and technological properties. However, a higher number of allergic reactions to this legume have recently been reported as a consequence of a more widespread consumption of lupine-based foods. In a previous study, several thermal treatments were applied to lupine seeds and flours resulting in reduced allergenicity. In order to study how this thermal processing (autoclaving and boiling) affects the breadmaking properties, raw and thermally processed lupine flours were used to replace 10% of wheat flour. The effect of supplementing wheat flour with lupine flour on physical dough properties, bread structure and sensory characteristics were analysed. The results indicated that thermally-treated lupine flours, had similar breadmaking and sensorial properties as untreated lupine flour. These thermal treatments could increase the potential use of lupine flour as a food ingredient while reducing the risk to provoke allergic reactions.Additional key words: allergy, Lupinus albus, thermal treatment.
Resumen Propiedades de panificación de harina de trigo complementada con harina hipoalergénica de lupino obtenida por procesado térmicoEn los últimos años se ha incrementado el interés en la utilización del lupino para la nutrición humana debido a sus propiedades nutricionales y efectos saludables. Además, el lupino se utiliza como un ingrediente en panificación por sus propiedades funcionales y tecnológicas. Sin embargo, recientemente se ha observado un aumento en las reacciones alérgicas a esta leguminosa como consecuencia de un mayor consumo de alimentos que contienen lupino. Nuestros trabajos previos indican que la aplicación de diferentes tratamientos térmicos a semillas de lupino da lugar a una disminución comprobada de su inmunoreactividad frente a IgE. Para estudiar el efecto de algunos de estos procesados térmicos (autoclavado y cocción) sobre las propiedades de panificación, se reemplazó un 10% de harina de trigo por harina de lupino cruda o procesada. Se analizó el efecto de esta adición de harina de lupino en las propiedades fí-sicas de la masa, estructura del pan y características sensoriales. Los resultados indicaron que las harinas de lupino térmicamente trat...