Abstract. The conversion of fixed nitrogen to N 2 in suboxic waters is estimated to contribute roughly a third to total oceanic losses of fixed nitrogen and is hence understood to be of major importance to global oceanic production and, therefore, to the role of the ocean as a sink of atmospheric CO 2 . At present heterotrophic denitrification and autotrophic anammox are considered the dominant sinks of fixed nitrogen. Recently, it has been suggested that the trophic nature of pelagic N 2 -production may have additional, "collateral" effects on the carbon cycle, where heterotrophic denitrification provides a shallow source of CO 2 and autotrophic anammox a shallow sink. Here, we analyse the stoichiometries of nitrogen and associated carbon conversions in marine oxygen minimum zones (OMZ) focusing on heterotrophic denitrification, autotrophic anammox, and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to nitrite and ammonium in order to test this hypothesis quantitatively. For open ocean OMZs the combined effects of these processes turn out to be clearly heterotrophic, even with high shares of the autotrophic anammox reaction in total N 2 -production and including various combinations of dissimilatory processes which provide the substrates to anammox. In such systems, the degree of heterotrophy ( CO 2 : N 2 ), varying between 1.7 and 6.5, is a function of the efficiency of nitrogen conversion. On the contrary, in systems like the Black Sea, where suboxic Nconversions are supported by diffusive fluxes of NH + 4 originating from neighbouring waters with sulphate reduction, much lower values of CO 2 : N 2 can be found. However, accounting for concomitant diffusive fluxes of CO 2 , the ratio approaches higher values similar to those computed for open ocean OMZs. Based on this analysis, we question the significance of collateral effects concerning the trophic nature of suboxic N-conversions on the marine carbon cycle.