State forests are analyzed periodically, once every 10 years. This includes an analysis of forest soils. The present paperdescribes and interprets the chemical properties of forest soils from Bacau County focusing on the period 1983-2015. As such, 823 soil profiles and 2435 pedogenetic horizons were analysed taking into consideration the soil type, pH, humus content, nitrogen content, base saturation degree and the total cation exchange capacity. The most widespread types of soils are: eutriccambisol, luvisol, preluvisoland dystriccambisol. The dystriccambisols from Bacau County are strongly acid soils, while eutriccambisols and preluvisols are moderately acid. All forest soils from this area have a high cationic exchange capacity and are very well (dystriccambisol, eutriccambisol,luvisol) or well supplied (preluvisol, rendzina) with nitrogen. Knowing the chemical properties of soils is important for the analysis of stand variability and for adopting silvicultural methods adequate for the management of long-lasting forests.