This study summarizes the design
for formulation engineering of
waste biomass as green insecticide tablet attractants to deal with
German cockroaches, Blattella germanica (L.), a serious sanitary pest affecting human health and food consumers
in a hygienic and sustainable manner. With the fast development of
xenotoxic resistance, the merits of botanicals including minimal costs
and ecological side effects have encouraged the authors to explore
the waste crude glycerol in innovative composition and combination
with citronella and dillapiole essential oils, magnesium stearate
(lubricant), hydroxy methyl cellulose (binder), and glucose (phagostimulant)
as baits through direct compression engineering. Post-compression
quality features like the optimum hardness (136.1 N), minimum friability
(≤1%) with good tensile strength, dimension (40–50 mm),
acceptable weight variation (≤4%), pH (7.5–7.8) and
minimum moisture content (0.10–0.25%), and accelerated temperature
stability were ensured as per Food and Agriculture Organization specifications.
In vitro bio-efficacy experiments prescribed by World Health Organization
revealed that an individual botanical tablet produced sufficient mortalities
at the initial exposure (consumption) but drastically reduced with
time. However, different combinations (2:2:1, 1:2:2, 3:1:1, and 0.5:2.5:2)
have succeeded to achieve an almost uniform and prolonged mortality
(≥75%). The novel combination was 3:1:1 with the highest knockdown
(95%) and sustained activity (6 months) better than a commercial one
(65%), which might be due to the amplified insecticidal synergism
among karangin, pongamol, geranial, citronellal, dillapiole, mysterin,
etc. We conclude that the holistic approaches used in the present
study may open a new corridor of efficient utilization of green pesticidal
chemistries of biowastes as bio-resources in cost-effective and eco-friendly
pest protection with minimization of toxic pesticides.