current global materials economy has long been inefficient
due to unproductive reuse and recycling efforts. Within the wider
materials portfolio, plastics have been revolutionary to many industries
but they have been treated as disposable commodities leading to their
increasing accumulation in the environment as waste. The field of
chemistry has had significant bearing in ushering in the current plastics
industry and will undoubtedly have a hand in transforming it to become
more sustainable. Existing approaches include the development of synthetic
biodegradable plastics and turning to renewable raw materials in order
to produce plastics similar to our current petrol-based materials
or to create new polymers. Additionally, chemists are confronting
the environmental crisis by developing alternative recycling methods
to deal with the legacy of plastic waste. Important emergent technologies,
such as catalytic chemical recycling or upcycling, have the potential
to alleviate numerous issues related to our current and future refuse
and, in doing so, help pivot our materials economy from linearity
to circularity.