. Can. J. Chem. 59, 1361 (1981). The kinetics of the reaction between NiaqZ+ and the bidentate ligand pyridine-2-azo-p-dimethylaniline (PADA) have been investigated in micellar solutions of sodium decyl-, octyl-, and hexylsulfates using the stopped-flow technique. The rate of enhancement decreased with decreasing alkyl-chain length and from the Berezin or Robinson model could be quantitatively related to the independently measured binding constants of NiZ+ ion and PADA to the micelle surface. The dramatic effect of micelles upon the reaction rates in different directions of the NiZ+/PADA and the NiZ+/ murexide reactions served as sensitive indicators of the cmc even at the very limit of micelle formation which relatively concentrated sodium hexylsulfate solutions reoresent.
IntroductionThe effect of significant partitioning of the other ~h~ whereby sodium dodecylsulfate reactant, Ni2+, into the bulk water from the micel-(SLS) micelles increase the rate of complex forma-lar surface Won the enhancement Of the rate Of tion between ~i,,z+ and neutral bidentate ligands these reactions has not hitherto been reported. such as pyridine-2-azo-p-dimethylaniline (PADA) White2 had noted in a preliminary study that has been adequately characterized (1-4). The decreasing the length of the carbon chain in the kinetic model successfully predicts the effect of members of the sodium alkylsulfate series had led changes of pH, of ligand, and of reactant concen-to a decrease in the rate enhancing effect of the trations. The reaction occurs in the surface region micelles for this particular of the micelle and the rate increase depends uponIn the case of both reactants partitioning signifithe independently measured extent of binding of cantly between the micelle surface and the bulk ligand to the micelle.water, the more complex kinetic expression can SLS micellar solutions at concentrations still be readily interpreted. It was for this reason greater than twice the critical micelle concentration that the reaction between NiaqZ+ and the ligand (cmc)7 both the nickel ion and PADA are strongly PADA was studied kinetically in sodium decyladsorbed into the surface region of the micelle so sulfate (SDS) solutions, in sodium oct~lsulfate that any effects of partitioning of the reactants at (SOS) ~olutions7 and in sodium hex~lsulfate (SHS) low ionic strength into the bulk water upon the solutions. We wished also to gain more information apparent rate are negligible. with ligands less on the micellization phenomenon as it occurs with hydrophobic than PADA, where an appreciable short-chained surfactants with which little work amount of the ligand is in the bulk water, the rate has been done. enhancement of the SLS micelles upon the NiZ+-Experimental