Migraine is a common neurological disorder that is characterized by episodic headaches associated with symptoms such as nausea, visual disturbances, photophobia, and phonophobia. In Canada, approximately 7% of adult males and 22% of adult females suffer from migraine. 1 Migraine symptoms result in a considerable burden with regard to health care utilization, health care costs, and work/productivity loss due to disability and decreased functional status. [2][3][4][5][6] Clinical trials have demonstrated that sumatriptan (ImitrexÂź, GlaxoSmithKline) is effective in relieving migraine pain. These studies have established the efficacy of sumatriptan among patients who treated their migraines at a point in which their headache pain was classified as moderate or severe. 7-11 However, ABSTRACT: Background: There is evidence that headache response rates may be higher if triptans are used early when a migraine attack is still mild, as compared to when it is treated after pain has reached moderate or severe intensity. Methods: In this randomized, double blind, placebo controlled, parallel group clinical trial, 361 patients took either placebo, sumatriptan 50 mg, or sumatriptan 100 mg in a single attack study. The primary outcome measure was pain-free status at two hours. Results: In the intention to treat group, two hour pain free rates were 16%, 40%, and 50% in the placebo group, sumatriptan 50 mg group, and the sumatriptan 100 mg group respectively (p<0.001, active treatment groups vs. placebo). Conclusions: Both sumatriptan 50 mg and 100 mg were significantly superior to placebo for the pain-free end point at two hours. The pain-free response rates in this trial where sumatriptan was taken while the headache was still mild were generally higher than in older clinical trials where headache was treated after reaching a moderate or severe intensity. RĂSUMĂ: Absence de douleur comme mesure de l'efficacitĂ© du sumatriptan pour le traitement prĂ©coce de la migraine. Contexte: Le taux de rĂ©ponse serait plus Ă©levĂ© si les triptans sont utilisĂ©s tĂŽt au cours d'une crise de migraine alors que les symptĂŽmes sont lĂ©gers plutĂŽt que quand la douleur est devenue modĂ©rĂ©e ou sĂ©vĂšre. MĂ©thodes: Il s'agit d'une Ă©tude de pharmacologie clinique randomisĂ©e, Ă double insu, avec placebo et groupes parallĂšles. 361 patients ont pris soit le placebo, le sumatriptan 50 mg ou le sumatriptan 100 mg au cours d'une seule crise migraineuse. Le critĂšre d'Ă©valuation primaire Ă©tait l'absence de douleur 2 heures aprĂšs la prise du mĂ©dicament. RĂ©sultats: Ă l'analyse selon l'intention de traitement, le taux de patients sans douleur Ă©tait de 16%, 40% et 50% pour le groupe placebo, le groupe sumatriptan 50 mg et le groupe sumatriptan 100 mg respectivement (groupes traitement actif versus placebo, p > 0,001). Conclusions: Le sumatriptan 50 mg et 100 mg Ă©taient significativement supĂ©rieurs au placebo quant au critĂšre d'Ă©valuation primaire, soit l'absence de douleur 2 heures aprĂšs la prise du mĂ©dicament. Le taux de rĂ©ponse, soit l'absence de douleur, dans cette Ă©tude ...