At hiaazulenic quinone TAQ was synthesized and its opticala nd redox properties were investigated. The deep blue-coloredc ompound is readily and reversibly reducedt ot he colorless anionic state. Electrochromic films were prepared and showedr eversible switching behavior for the anodically coloring and NIR electrochromic material.Electrochromic materials have aroused great interest in the last decadea nd continue to do so. Althoughs till in development, use as smartc olor-changing windows (buildings, aircrafts), [1] smart glasses [2] and for electrochromic displays [3] are realized. An electrochromic chameleon skin that colorimetrically reports pressure changesw as fabricated. [4] Generally, electrochromes are composed of inorganic metal oxides such as WO 3 , [5] of polyarylene- [6] and polyaniline-type [7] polymers, or of small molecules such as viologens, [8] but also of electroactive quinones [9] and phenazines. [10] Electrochromicd evices are operated in solution (or gel) phases (type I), in solution/solid (type II) and entirely in the solid state (type III, metal oxides, conjugatedp olymers). [11] Small molecule electrochromes are either of type Io r II, and either anodic [12] or cathodic [13] coloring can be achieved. Electrochromic switching occurs betweent wo or more colored states, [14] or,m ore often,i fo ne colored and one transparent state interchangeu pon oxidationo rr eduction. Organic electrochromes promise low cost, high contrast, facile to be processed materials, which,f or small molecules are also highly de-