IIIG'C is an 18.1-kDa signal-transducing phosphocarrier protein of the phosphoeno1pyruvate:glycose phosphotransferase system from Escherichia coli. The 'H, "N, and I3C histidine ring NMR signals of both the phosphorylated and unphosphorylated forms of IIIGLC have been assigned using two-dimensional IH-"N and 'H-I3C heteronuclear multiple-quantum coherence (HMQC) experiments and a two-dimensional I3C-I3C-'H correlation spectroscopy via J,, coupling experiment. The data were acquired on uniformly 15N-labeled and uniformly '5N/'3C-labeled protein samples. The experiments rely on one-bond and two-bond J couplings that allowed for assignment of the signals without the need for the analysis of through-space (nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy) correlations. The "N and 13C chemical shifts were used t o determine that His-75 exists predominantly in the NE'-H tautomeric state in both the phosphorylated and unphosphorylated forms of IIIG'C, and that His-90 exists primarily in the N6'-H state in the unphosphorylated protein. Upon phosphorylation of the NE* nitrogen of His-90, the N*' nitrogen remains protonated, resulting in the formation of a charged phospho-His-90 moiety. The 'H, "N, and 13C signals of the phosphorylated and unphosphorylated proteins showed only minor shifts in the pH range from 6.0 to 9.0. These data indicate that the pK, values for both His-75 and His-90 in IIIG'' and His-75 in phospho-IIIG'C are less than 5.0, and that the pK, value for phospho-His-90 is greater than 10. The results are presented in relation to previously obtained structural data on IIIG", and implications for proposed mechanisms of phosphoryl transfer are discussed.