45 X-rayStructureAnalysisOnline2014,VOL.30 45 2014©TheJapanSocietyforAnalyticalChemistry Pyrazoles are promising model compounds and convenient componentsforbuildingupsupramolecularsystems.Duetothe presenceofan=N-N(H)fragment,pyrazolederivativespossess a unique ability to form various self-associates in the gaseous phase, in crystal, and in solution. 1 Studies of such kind have useful applications in pharmacology, typically as non-narcotic analgesics, as well as the field of drug-receptor binding mechanisms in medicinal chemistry. 2 Thus, the complexes of pyrazole derivatives with proton donor and acceptors compoundsarebeingstudiedbymanysupramolecularchemists.Recently, we obtained an adduct of 3,5-dimethylpyrazole (3,5DMP,anorallyactivehypoglycemicagent,andeffectiveon carbohydrate and free fatty acid metabolism) with chloranilic acid(CLA,aprotondonor).Wesubsequentlyinvestigatedthe effectofmethylsubstituentsonthepackingmodeintheadduct, since;eitherofthemethylgroupsmayhaveapropensitytobe out-of-planeofthepyrazolering,andthusinfluencethepacking fashion and hydrogen-bond patterns. We also considered how the presence of competitive hydrogen bond donor-acceptor groupscanenhanceapossibleprotontransferprocess.Thus,in this manuscript the aforementioned aims are discussed. The crystal complex was obtained by dissolving a 1:1 mixture of 3,5DMP(0.20g,2mmol)andCLA(0.42g,2mmol)in20ml of methanol and allowed to evaporate slowly at room temperature. Suitable crystals were obtained after eight days, and characterized through X-ray diffraction at 150 K. Crystal data and details of data collection are given in Table 1. The structuresolutionwascarriedoutwithdirectmethodsusingthe programs SIR 92 or superflip within the CRYSTALS software suite,andrefinedbyfull-matrixleast-squaresmethodsbasedon F 2 . The chemical structure of the adduct is shown in Fig. 1, whiletheatomnumberingfollowstheschemeindicatedinFig. 2. The bond lengths and angles in CLA are insignificantly different from those in the crystal structure of CLA. 3 The geometry of the 3,5DMP ring shows a similar pattern of bond distances and angles as pyrazole, 4 and shows an insignificant effect of the hydrogen-bonding interaction on the bonded X-ray Structure Analysis Online