A total of 33 compounds including bicyclic monoterpenes, oxides, allyl alcohols, and S-containing pinane and carane derivatives were screened for antifungal activity against mycelial and yeast-like fungi. The structure-activity relationship was studied. The most active antimycotics were found.Keywords: carane and pinane monoterpenoids, antifungal activity.We performed for the first time a systematic study of the antifungal activity of series of pinane and carane monoterpenoids with a broad set of S-containing functional groups and studied the structure-activity relationship to find the most active antimycotics.At the start of our work, the literature contained data on the antifungal activity of D-and E-pinenes in addition to the antifungal effect of essential oils containing (+)-3-carene (1), verbenols, and myrtenol [1][2][3][4][5]. However, the antifungal activity of S-containing terpenoids was not previously investigated.Carane thioterpenoids 4-15 were synthesized by reacting stereoisomeric 3-carene oxides (2 and 3) with thiols (4, 5, 10, 11, 15), isothiuronium salts (6-9, 13, 14), and thiourea (16) in the presence of sodium ethoxide [6-9]. Sulfoxide 12 was obtained by oxidation of 6 with H 2 O 2 in glacial acetic acid. The products were isolated by column chromatography. The structures were established using spectral data.