It is known [1-3] that derivatives of cycloalka[b]chalcogenopyrylium salts are used as dyes in passive switches of optical quantum generators OQG [3], are used in photocompositions without silver salts [4], and exhibit biological activity [2]. Earlier we demonstrated that cycloalka[b]chalcogenopyrylium salts containing a γ-methyl group in the heterocycle and an α-methylene group in the alicycle react with aromatic aldehydes under harsh conditions at 100°C in a 1:3 mixture of acetic acid and acetic anhydride and form quantitative yields of the corresponding arylidene derivatives [1]. O Ph R O R + A + -A -1a,b 2a,b 1 A = BF 4 ; 2 A = ClO 4 ; 1,2 a R = H, b R = Ph __________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 Saratovorgsintez, Saratov 410059, Russia. 2 N. I. Vavilov Saratov