The stable products of reactions of mucochloric acid and some of its ethers with 2 mer captoacetic acid were synthesized and characterized. The variation of experimental conditions allowed targeted introduction of a sulfur containing fragment into particular position of the heterocycle: the reaction in aqueous potassium hydroxide gives 3 substituted 2(5H) furanone, the triethylamine additive in nonaqueous solvents facilitates the formation of 4 substituted products, and acid catalysis results in the replacement of the hydroxy (methoxy) group at С(5).(3,4 Dichloro 2 oxo 2,5 dihydrofuran 5 ylthio)ethanoic acid and (3 chloro 5 hydroxy 2 oxo 2,5 dihydrofuran 4 ylthio)ethanoic acid were characterized by X ray diffraction; their crystal and gas phase structures were discussed. The 5 monosubstituted product crystallizes as a racemate, while 4 monosubstituted product, as a conglomerate.