Crystals of 1,3,5,7-tctraniethoxy-2,6-dioxa-adaniantane (CIZHZOOF) are orthorhombic (Pbcn) with a = 10.31, b 13.23 and c = 9.23 A; there are 4 niolecules in the unit cell; the asymmetric unit consists of one half molecule. 460 independent three-dimensional intensities were collected on a Nonius retigraph. The structure was solved by a systematic sign correlation procedure and refined by using least squares methods to R = .062. The coordinates of the carbon and oxygen atoms were refined with anisotropic thermal motion, those of the hydrogen atoms with a constant isotropic thermal parameter. The geometry of the adaniantane skeleton of the molecule does not differ greatly from that of adamantane, in spite of the fact that two methylene carbon atoms are replaced by two oxygen atoms. The molecule has a two-fold axis coinciding with the space-group two-fold axis.