On mixing (R SO ) CH (R =perfluoroalkyl), paraformaldehyde, and substituted pyridines, a three-component reaction proceeded smoothly to give unusual zwitterions bearing both pyridinium and stabilized carbanion moieties in good to excellent yields. Of these, 2-fluoropyridinium derivatives rapidly dissociated in acetonitrile to give equilibrium mixtures of the zwitterions and (R SO ) C=CH /2-fluoropyridine, as confirmed by detailed variable-temperature NMR studies. The dynamic behavior of such 2-fluoropyridinium compounds allows them to be used as shelf-stable, easy-to-handle sources of (R SO ) C=CH . With these reagents, strongly acidic carbon acids (R SO ) CHR were synthesized, which served as a new type of acid catalysts. Moreover, C-C bond-forming reactions with a ketene silyl acetal proceeded efficiently with Tf C=CH generated in situ.