In the reaction of 8,8-dibromobicyclo[5.1 .O]octa-2,4-diene (3) with methyllithium four dihydropentalenes are formed. In addition to the already described 1,6a-, 1,4-, and 1,SdihydropentaJenes (7,8, 9), the 1,6-isomer 15 is detected. The dihydropentalenes were characterized by means of their perlluoro-2-butyne adducts. The mechanism of their formation has been elucidated by I2C labelling.Cleavage of the lateral bond a in 4 induces a carbene-carbene rearrangement with 1,3-C migration (Skattebsl rearrangement) to give carbene 13. This stabilizes by a 1,2-vinyl shift to afford 1,6a-dihydropentalene (7). 1,4-,1,5-, and 1,6-dihydropentalene mit Methyllithium werden vier Dihydropentalene gebildet. Zusltzlich zu den bereits beschriebenen 1,6a-, 1,4-und 1,5-Dihydropentalenen (7, 8, 9) wurde das l,6-Isomere 15 gefunden. Die Dihydropentalene wurden anhand ihrer Pertluor-2-butin-Addukte charakterisiert. Der Mechanismus ihrer Bildung wurde durch "CMarkierung aufgekllrt. Die Spaltung der lateralen Bindung a in 4 induzjert eine Carben-Carben-Umlagerung mit 1,3-C-Wanderung (Skattebsl-Umlagerung) zum Carben 13. Dieses stabilisiert sich durch eine 1,2-VinyIverschiebung zu I ,dDihydropentalen (7). Die l , 4 , 1,5-und l,&Dihydropentalene (8, 9, 15) werden durch nachfolgende 1,5-H-Verschiebung gebildet.Although the formation of cyclopentadienes from the reaction of l,ldibromo-2-vinylcyclopropanes with methyllithium has been known since 1962*), the mechanism of the carbene-carbene rearScheme 2 subject rangement'lof of intensive the type studies'! I +2 (Skattebel rearrangement) is still the $--(j"&J"rn Scheme 1When investigating the reactions of gem-dibromovinylcyclopropanes with various substituentq special interest has been paid to the electronic and steric prerequisites of the rearrangement'). Systems in which the gemdibromovinylcyclopropane unit is incorporated into a bicyclic structure have been studied thoroughly@.In 1970. van Vuuren treated 8,8dibromobicyclo[5.l.O]octa-2,4-dime (3) with methyllithiurn" and isolated 1,6a-, 1.4-. and 1,Sdihydropentalene (7.8.9) by means of the corresponding pcdluoro-2-butyne (PFB) adducts 10, 11. and 12, respectively.As a mechanism for the formation of the bicyclo[3.3.0] structure a carbene-carbene rearrangement of 4 to 5 was suggested. Opening of the distal bond b in 4 and 1.34 and subsequent 1.2-H migration led primarily to 1.3adihydropentalene (6) which, due to its trisallylic hydrogen atom, isomerized readily to 7, 8, and 9 by 1.5-H shifts.