3 complex. Chromatographic studies were carried out and showed that immediately after nitrite complex was dissolved only one species was present with retention time(t R ) of 6.81 minutes. Addition of H 3 O + to nitrite complex led to the formation of one major peak with t R of 3.92 min supporting nitrosyl complex formation. The reaction of nitrosyl complex with cysteine was also monitored by HPLC and it showed clearly the formation and followed decrease of a peak at 3.38 minute with maximum absorption at 380 nm, consistent with an intermediate complex. Later, it was observed the appearance of a peak at 4.15 minute with absorption band at 470 nm. In contrast to the reaction with cysteine, methionine did not show the formation of any intermediate. The use of HPLC was an important tool to support mechanistic assumptions for nitrosyl reactions.