The reaction of cis-[RuCl 2 (dmso) 4 ], N-(acetyl)-NЈ-(salicylid-ene
IntroductionThe interest in ruthenium chemistry stems from its ability to have a wide range of oxidation states (Ϫ2 to ϩ8) and various coordination geometries. Due to these characteristics complexes of ruthenium exhibit versatile electrontransfer properties and hence a wide range of reactivities.[1]As a result a large variety of ruthenium complexes have been utilized in studies on artificial photosynthesis, photomolecular devices, elucidation of structural and electrontransfer properties of proteins and DNA, catalytic oxidation of water and organic substrates and stoichiometric as well as catalytic reactions for organic synthesis.[1lϪ1t] Due to such a broad array of applications there is a continuous pursuit for new complexes of ruthenium with diverse types of ligands. The primary objective is to tune the properties [a]