[a] 1IntroductionThe designa nd synthesis of novel energetic materials with higher detonation performance and lower vulnerability is am ajor goali nt he developmento fh igh energy density materials (HEDMs) [1][2][3][4][5][6][7].N itrogen-rich heterocyclic compounds based on N-nitrourea as promising HEDMs have attracted considerable interest due tot heir high densities, high detonation velocities, and excellent oxygenb alance [8][9][10][11].T he nitrourea framework with intramolecular hydrogen bonding usually led to the high density and low impact sensitivity of mono-nitrourea and di-nitrourea. Thus, the design and synthesis of novel nitrourea explosives have become particularly attractive. 1,3,4,6-Tetranitroglycouril (TNGU) (Scheme 1) is aw ell-knownp owerful explosivew ith ac rystal densityo f2 .04 gcm À3 and ad etonation velocity of 9150 ms À1 ,w hich was first reported by Boileau et al. [12,13] were also reported.A mong these high-energy explosives, HHTDD (Scheme 1) [18,19] has aV OD of 9546 ms À1 and ad ensity of 2.0 gcm À3 ,w hich is the highest VOD recorded for C,H,N,O explosives. However,m ost of these explosives are unstable in water,w hich limits theirp racticala pplications [20,21].T he hydrolytic instability of the compound in aqueouss olution is usually attributed to the presence of strongly electron-withdrawing groups in the molecule. The highly electropositive carbon atom could be readily attacked by the hydroxyl group in moist solution,w hich results in the hydrolysiso fc ompound. In these nitrourea explosives, the electron-withdrawing group NÀNO 2 could significantly increaset he electropositivity of thec arbona tom.In the presented work, we conceivedt wo strategies for the design and synthesiso fh ydrolytically stable nitrourea compounds. The first strategy is the synthesis of nitrourea polymers, in which the carbon atom of urea framework is not easily attacked by water.T he second strategyi st he preparation of NÀNO 2 compoundsb yh ydrolysing the nitrourea. Based on these strategies, we designed and synthesized tetranitrodiglycoluril (TNDGU) [ 22] and its aminolysis product (7). The full characterizationa nd performance study of TNDGUi ndicated it was ap romising explosivet hat has potential applications in many areas.Herein, we present the design and synthesis of as eries of nitrourea compounds (Scheme 2). Theoretical calculations on TNDGU( 1), tetranitrotriglycoluril (TNTGU) (2)a nd compounds 3-5 have shown that all these compounds had optimal performances with densities rangingf rom 1.848t o 1.93 gcm À3 and VOD values ranging from 6700 to 8305 ms
À1.T NDGU, TNTGU, and an aminolysis product of TNDGU were synthesized and fully characterized.
2R esults and Discussion
Theoretical Calculation of the PerformancesCalculations for the performance of the designedc ompoundsw ere performed using Gaussian98 [23].T he structure of compound 1 was fully optimized at B3LYP/6-31G** Abstract:Aseries of high energyd ensity compounds (HEDCs) basedo nN -nitrourea were designed and their theoretical performan...