1 Pol ish Geo log i cal In sti tute -Na tional Re search In sti tute, Rakowiecka 4, 00-975 Warszawa, Po land Mikulski, S.Z., Speczik, S., 2016. The au rif er ous ore min er ali sa tion and its zonal dis tri bu tion around the Variscan K³odzko-Z³oty Stok granitoid pluton in the Sudetes (SW Po land) -an over view. Geo log i cal Quar terly, 60 (3): 650-674, doi: 10.7306/gq.1284 Due to a low level of ero sion the Variscan (Carboniferous-Mississippian) K³odzko-Z³oty Stok (KZS) granitoid pluton and its meta mor phic rock cover are unique ex am ples of the ore min er ali sa tion dis tri bu tion pat tern around a pluton. The KZS pluton formed from I-type mag mas. It is com posed mostly of high-K, metaluminous, bi o tite-and hornblende-rich granitoids of var ious com po si tions rang ing from granodiorite to monzonite. The ore min er alisation in the KZS shows spe cific zonation that reflects in ter ac tion be tween post-mag matic min er al is ing flu ids and coun try rocks of dif fer ent com po si tion. In the KZS pluton and its sur round ings the min er alisation re veals high-tem per a ture Ti-W ox ides and As-Fe sul phide-ar sen ides plus Fe-ox ides which are re placed out wards by Cu-Fe-Pb-Zn sulphides and sub se quently, in the mar ginal parts of the pluton, by the Pb-Sb-Fe sul phide min er alisation. The spe cific el e ments and the iso to pic com po si tion of sul phur in ore min er als in di cate that the metal-bear ing postmagmatic-meta mor phic hy dro ther mal flu ids, de spite their strong af fin i ties to the KZS hy brid mag matic flu ids, show also an in flu ence of vari able com po si tion of coun try rocks. Vari able al ter ation pro cesses: hornfelsitisation, skarnisation, dolomitisation, serpentinitisation, pyroxenisation, biotitisation, K-feldspatisation, sili ci fi ca tion, berezitisation, carbonatisation, prehinitisation, chloritisation, epidotisation, sericitisation, albitisation and sulphidisation de vel oped along con tacts of var i ous rock types within the coun try rocks. In more frac tured zones, trans ported el e ments were pref er en tially trapped by cal car e ous (Ca-rich) meta mor phic rocks. More over, along the di rect con tact be tween granitoids and cal car e ous rocks a high tem per a ture au rif er ous skarns with mag ne tite-pyrrhotite or/and löllingite-ar seno py rite min er alisation were formed. There are pos i tive cor re la tions be tween or ganic mat ter and Fe 2 O 3 and MgO con tents in skarns, sug gest ing remobilization of or ganic mat ter by hy dro ther mal flu ids re leased dur ing serpentinisation. The or ganic mat ter and car bon ate sam ples have very vari able d 13 C and d 18 O val ues. Most prob a bly these are the re sult of iso to pic re-equil i bra tion be tween min er als un der high tem per a tures. On the in ti mate con tact of granitoids with less per me able amphibolitic hornfelses a high tem per a ture ti tan ite-schee lite min er alisation of veinlet-im preg na tion type oc curred, while ther mal and metasomatic al teration of the en vel op ing more per...