(10), having lycopodine-related structures, were isolated from the club moss Lycopodium serratum THUNB. and their structures were elucidated on the basis of spectroscopic analysis and/or chemical transformation.Key words alkaloid; Lycopodium; structure elucidation; X-ray crystal structure; NMR; chemical transformation Lycoposerramine-G (2) was obtained as a colorless amorphous powder. HR-FAB-MS analysis gave m/z 280.1893 (MϩH) ϩ (D Ϫ2.0 mmu) and established the molecular formula as C 16 H 25 NO 3 , which was one oxygen atom less than 1 described above. The 1 H-and 13 C-NMR (Table 1) spectra of 2, which resembled those of 1 except for the chemical shifts of the carbons adjacent to nitrogen, indicated that 1 was an N-oxide derivative of 2. Actually, when 2 was treated with one equivalent of m-CPBA, lycoposerramine-F (1) was obtained in 63% yield, thereby establishing the structure of the new alkaloid as formula 2.Lycoposerramine-H (3) was obtained as colorless prisms (mp 227-228°C, sublimation). HR-FAB-MS analysis gave m/z 262.1809 (MϩH) ϩ (D ϩ0.2 mmu) and established the molecular formula as C 16 H 23 NO 2 , which indicated that 3 had one extra unsaturated number compared to common lycopodine-type alkaloids.1 H-and 13 C-NMR spectra (see Table 1) as well as DEPT spectra suggested the presence of one ketone, a trisubstituted olefin bearing a methyl group, one sp 3 quaternary carbon, four sp 3 methines (one of which had a hydroxyl function), and seven sp 3 methylenes. 1 H-1 H COSY and HMQC spectra revealed connectivities as shown by the bold line in Fig. 3. Further, allyl couplings between the olefinic proton (d 5.35, H-8) and methyl protons (d 1.58, H-16) and methylene protons (d 1.98, 2.70, H-14), as well as homoallyl coupling between the methyl protons (H-16) and the methine proton (d 2.52, H-7), indicated the presence of a double bond at the C-8 (d 121.6)-C-15 (d 135.9) position of the lycopodine skeleton. The location of the secondary hydroxyl group was inferred from the HMBC cross-peaks between the proton at d 3.78 (d, Jϭ2.7 Hz) and the carbonyl carbon (d 212.4, C-5) and the methine carbon at d 38.7 (C-4). The structure including the stereochemistry of the secondary hydroxyl group at C-6 was determined by X-ray analysis as formula 3 (Fig. 3). This is the first example of a lycopodine-type alkaloid that has a double bond at the C-8-C-15 position.Lycoposerramine-I (4) showed a molecular ion peak at m/z 261 and the molecular formula, C 16 H 23 NO 2 , which was established by HR-FAB-MS [m/z 262.1802 (MϩH) ϩ , D Ϫ0.5 mmu], was identical with that of 3 described above.
Comparison of its1 H-and 13 C-NMR spectra (see Table 1) with those of 3 suggested that the two alkaloids were isomers at the position of the secondary hydroxyl group. The chemical shifts at C-10 (d 35.5), C-11 (d 69.2), and C-12 (d 44.6) in 4 as well as the HMBC cross-peak (Fig. 4) between the low-field proton (d 4.34) and the quaternary carbon at C-13 (d 59.7) indicated that the hydroxyl group existed at the C-11 position. The stereochemistry...