1) Background: Green tea (GT) contains well-known phytochemical compounds; namely, it is rich in flavan-3-ols (catechins) and flavonols comprising all glycoside forms. These compounds in GT might show better biological activities after a feasible enzymatic process, and the process on an industrial scale should consider enzyme specificity and cost-effectiveness. (2) Methods: In this study, we evaluated the most effective method for the enzymatic conversion of flavonoids from GT extract. One enzyme derived from Aspergillus niger (molecular weight 80-90 kDa) was ultimately selected, showing two distinct but simultaneous activities: intense glycoside hydrolase activity via deglycosylation and weak tannin acyl hydrolase activity via degalloylation. (3) Results: The optimum conditions for producing flavonol aglycones were pH 4.0 and 50 • C. Myricetin glycosides were cleaved 3.7-7.0 times faster than kaempferol glycosides. Flavonol aglycones were produced effectively by both enzymatic and hydrochloride treatment in a time-course reaction. Enzymatic treatment retained 80% (w/w) catechins, whereas 70% (w/w) of catechins disappeared by hydrochloride treatment. (4) Conclusions: This enzymatic process offers an effective method of conditionally producing flavonol aglycones and de-galloylated catechins from conversion of food-grade enzyme.