RESUMO.-[Metaloproteinases de matriz 2 e 9 em coelhos com cardiomiopatia induzida pela doxorrubicina.] Alguns estudos já demonstraram o papel exercido pelas metaloproteinases de matriz e seus inibidores na cardiotoxicidade promovida pela doxorrubicina. Assim, este estudo teve como objetivo investigar o comportamento das MMPs 2 e 9 plasmáticas e miocárdicas em coelhos com cardiomiopatia induzida pela doxorrubicina, buscando determinar se há correlação entre a atividade dessas colagenases e o remodelamento cardíaco. A cardiomiopatia foi induzida pela doxorrubicina aplicada por via intravenosa duas vezes por semana ao longo de seis semanas consecutivas. A atividade plasmática das MMPs e o ecocardiograma foram avaliados no momento basal e aos 15 e 45 dias após a primeira aplicação da doxorrubicina. A atividade miocárdica dessas enzimas foi quantificada em apenas nove coelhos aos 45 dias e os resultados comparados Some studies have shown the role played by matrix metalloproteinases and their inhibitors in doxorubicin cardiotoxicity. In this study, we sought to investigate how plasma and myocardial MMP 2 and 9 perform in rabbits with doxorubicin-induced cardiomyopathy, searching for a correlation between the activity of these collagenases and cardiac remodeling. Cardiomyopathy was induced by doxorubicin given intravenously twice a week for six consecutive weeks. Plasma MMP activity and the echocardiogram were assessed at baseline, and at 15 and 45 days after first injection of doxorubicin. The myocardial activity of these enzymes was solely evaluated in nine rabbits at 45 days, and results were compared with nine healthy controls. We only identified the full-length forms of both MMP 2 and 9 throughout the study. The plasma pro-MMP 2 reduced along the deterioration of cardiac function, while the pro-MMP 9 increased significantly at T45 as compared to baseline and T15. A negative significant correlation was found to exist between the plasma activity of pro-MMP 2 and mitral E-to-mitral septal annular early diastolic velocity ratio, which is an estimate of mean left atrial pressure and congestion. Only pro-MMP 2 was found in myocardial samples, and mean activity of such enzyme was statistically lower than that recorded for healthy controls. Although no active form was documented for either collagenase, the duration of the treatment with doxorubicin played a role in the alteration of plasma pro-forms activity. However, these changes could not be associated with most echocardiographic parameters that are supportive of cardiac remodeling. Matrix metalloproteinases 2 and 9 in rabbits with doxorubicin-induced cardiomyopathy com outros nove controles saudáveis. Foram identificadas apenas as formas inativas das MMPs 2 e 9 durante todo o estudo. A pro-MMP 2 plasmática reduziu à medida que a função cardiaca se deteriorou, enquanto a pro-MMP 9 aumentou significativamente em T45 quando comparada aos momentos basal e T15. Houve correlação negativa significativa entre a atividade plasmática da pro-MMP 2 e a relação entre E mitral e a ...