The purpose of this article is to provide an overview and update on the most clinically relevant toxic neuropathies.
Latest Developments
Broadly, toxic neuropathies were previously quite rare with the notable exception of neuropathy from alcohol or older chemotherapeutics. The development of newer therapies, particularly immunotherapy to treat malignancy, has resulted in a substantial increase in the occurrence of toxic neuropathies that require timely recognition and treatment. The understanding of other toxic neuropathies continues to evolve, such as statin-induced neuropathy, which new evidence suggests is much less common than previously suspected.
Essential Points
Toxic neuropathies can be caused by medications, supplements, and recreational substances that injure peripheral nerves. Medications have evolved in the past 2 decades, as have the types of neuropathies that can be seen as related toxicities. In some areas of medicine, new classes and generations of drugs are associated with a lower incidence of toxic neuropathy.