“…In their paper, the authors introduced the following wonderful functional equation, that characterizes generalized polynomials of degree ď m on abelian groups: (1) f px 1 `¨¨¨`x m`1 q " m`1 ÿ i"1 g i px 1 , x 2 , ¨¨¨, p x i , ¨¨¨, x m`1 q, where p x i means that the function g i does not depend on x i , and they used this equation to prove that the composition f ˝g of the generalized polynomials (defined on abelian groups) f , g is a generalized polynomial and degpf ˝gq ď degpf q ¨degpgq. This same result, with a different proof that does not use (1), had already been proved by Leibman in [16], but the authors of [1] were unaware of that paper. Moreover in his paper Leibman also proved that if we consider a composition of several polynomial functions f i : G i´1 Ñ G i , i " 1, 2, ..., k, and G k is nilpotent (with no other extra hypotheses on the first groups G 0 , G 1 , ..., G k´1 , that may be noncommutative and quite general, indeed), the composition f k ˝fk´1 ˝¨¨¨˝f 1 is also a polynomial function, but no precise estimation of its degree was given.…”