This study explored whether salaries of nutrition support registered dietitians differed on the basis of risk in decisions made, value of resources managed, and demographic characteristics. Ten nutrition support experts were selected on the basis of practice area and geographical location. Each used a rubric to quantify risk (0 = low, 18 = high) of 24 job tasks from the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition and American Dietetic Association 2007 Standards of Professional Performance for Registered Dietitians in Nutrition Support. Based on the expert input, a questionnaire was developed and administered to nutrition support registered dietitians (n = 2414; 16% response rate). Salary was significantly (P ≤ .05) different based on highest degree earned, specialist credentials held, years of experience in dietetics and nutrition support, practicing at an advanced level, facility size, budgetary and supervisory responsibility, and level of risk in decisions that were made.