We found marked variation by race and ethnicity, overall and within US states, in risks of COVID-19-associated orphanhood and death of grandparent caregivers among children.What's Known on this Subject: Caregiver death increases risks of short-term trauma and lifelong adverse consequences for children. One microsimulation research letter estimated parental deaths in the US to Feb 2021. A global study aggregated COVID-associated orphanhood and coresident caregiver deaths across 21 countries.
What this Study Adds:We report overall and US state-specific findings, disaggregated by race/ethnicity, for COVID-19-associated orphanhood and death of grandparent caregivers. High rates of orphanhood, marked disparities, and state-specific differences show the overlooked burden among children at greatest risk, in states most affected.
Authors' Contributions:Dr. Hillis guided the conceptualization and investigation, wrote the first draft of the Article, guided the writing, and led the reviews and revisions of the manuscript.Drs. Unwin and Ratmann contributed to the conceptualization or design of the work; the interpretation of the data; guided and performed the statistical analyses, verified the underlying data, led writing of the methods section, prepared all visualizations, and performed all analyses for and contributed to the Supplementary Material.Dr. Blenkinsop performed the statistical analyses, verified the underlying data, led writing of the methods section, prepared all visualizations, and performed all analyses for and wrote the Supplementary Material.Drs. Flaxman and Donnelly contributed to the conceptualization and the formal analyses, and reviewed and revised the manuscript critically for important intellectual content.