Academic performance is key to the success of any education system in a country. The Church of Uganda has been instrumental in supporting education systems in Uganda. It is against this context that this study set out to review of church’s effort the ts in the academic performance of students in the church of Uganda-founded secondary schools. The main objective of the study was to review of church’s efforts in academic performance of students in church of Uganda founded secondary schools.The study used both qualitative and quantitative research design that involved the use of primary and secondary data. Primary data was purposively collected from 60 respondents. The findings were that much as the church tries to uplift academic performance in her founded secondary schools, it faces numerous challenges that include limited funding to mention but a few.It is recommended that Church of Uganda whose role it to conduct continious assessmet should take kin interest in improving the performance of students in its schools by availing continuous trainings to teachers, conducting continuous assemments of learners and availing adequate funding to support the school’s academic activities.